Registered Blind and Partially Sighted People, England 2019-20

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This publication contains aggregate information on adults and children registered as being blind or partially sighted with Local Authorities in England. The data were submitted by 151 Local Authorities to provide insight into the number of registrations for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

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Guidance on supporting colleagues with Visual Impairment

Man talking with volunteer

Key Points:– Visual impairment (VI) covers a range of conditions and impacts– VI colleagues are equally capable, effective and independent valuable members of staff– Those with a VI can be impacted in a variety of ways including psychologically– Managers have a key role in supporting the VI (visually impaired) colleague by taking time to engage… Continue Reading Guidance on supporting colleagues with Visual Impairment

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Non-structural tax relief statistics (January 2023)

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Some tax reliefs are designed to help or encourage particular types of individuals, activities or products in order to achieve economic or social objectives. These are classified as ‘non-structural’ tax reliefs. This publication covers 36 of the reliefs costing more than £500 million in more detail, examining changes over time, against original forecasts (where possible)… Continue Reading Non-structural tax relief statistics (January 2023)

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